Thursday, August 27, 2009

How's that Novel?

Well, I'm stuck. I just hope that I won't still be stuck in another three years, so that when, say, Stewie from Family Guy keeps asking me about it, I won't do this to him. Seriously, watch this through to the end.


  1. This is so perfect! I often think of Brian and this scene and how he'll never finish his novel. I think about him because it takes such enormous committment, time, and energy to finish a novel, have it NOT suck, read well, and be commerically saleable. It's hard! It's why so many people give up in the middle.

  2. Thanks for the laugh. Three years? I don't have the time. And now we're typing, typing ...

  3. Glad you guys enjoyed it. Brian's unfinished novel is one of my favorite Family Guy running gags. That and how Peter always sharply inhales when he falls and skins his knee.

  4. This is SO what I needed today. (Sadly, I am Brian! Even the expression is right.) Definitely going to link to this. Thank you, Lisa!
